Monday, March 9, 2009

Interactive Design - Definition

Interaction design is the process of making designing products/services that not only become part of everyday life but also includes what it can do for the user and what they will gain from the experience of using it. It is concerned with the people who use these products/services, therefore the questions asked if these products/services are successful are all about the users needs and reactions.

Gillian Crampton Smith states that the designer needs to “make it a graceful part of everyday life” meaning that the product/service needs to mould into the lives of users. Therefore needing to be designed for “usability, utility, satisfaction, communities qualities and sociability.” (Gillian Crampton Smith)

Works Cited
Bagnara Sebastiano, Smith, Gillian Crampton. Theories and practice in interaction design. Italy: Lawrence Erlbaum,2006.

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